Playing poker online is nearly the same as playing it in a land-based poker room. Only, it’s more advanced.
To play the game, one needs to be very familiar with the poker hand rankings. These are different card combinations that could determine one’s probability to win the game. These combinations can also determine how a player shall draw up his betting techniques.
Naturally, the game starts when all the players have already placed their bets in. For casual plays, these bets are called blind bets. While for tournaments, these are called buy ins. The online poker site sets the amount of the bet needed for any game. This is to ensure that all players start off in equal footing, having the same starting money.
When the players have already placed their bets, the dealing starts. In a real poker room, the dealer will shuffle the cards, let the person on his right cut them, and deal the appropriate number of cards per player. This is automatic in online poker. Each of the players will receive two cards—the only cards the player can have all throughout the game.
Then the community ca

The betting continues until the fourth (called the turn) and fifth (called the river) community cards are shown. After the river is revealed, and there is still more than one player present, a showdown or a reveal of cards shall be done. In the event where all the other players folded but one, that one player wins the pot.
It is this easy in online poker—the player just has to click his luck away to win!
To try this, the number one online poker site in Asia allows first time players to play this very exciting game for free! Simply go to DafaPoker.com , register an account, download the online poker game, and start playing!